Monday 12 November 2012

Oh a hunting we will go...

Nate likes to be the manly type so this last weekend we loaded up the kids and went hunting. It being the opening weekend for deer hunting there were hunters everywhere. We didn't have much luck in the morning or afternoon. But as the end of the day approached and most hunters were headed home we got lucky! Nate's dad got a doe first. Then we drove a little farther down the road and Nate got a Buck.

The kids were excited to get a picture with the deer to go on the "Kill Wall" at school. They go to a rural school where most of the community hunts. So all the kids bring in their pictures and get them put on the wall.

I think the kids handled it pretty well. Claire had a little meltdown. But she understands that we only hunt for food.  And that its important to be thankful, to the deer and to God for providing food for our family.

It was an interesting experience. Kinda like butchering the chickens. I have never been hunting before so I didn't know quite what to expect, I don't think it was as bad as I thought it would be.  We are still waiting to get our meat back from the butcher. We will be getting, jerky, breakfast sausage, dinner sausage, and some cutlets I think.  Next year we want to try butchering ourselves and see how it goes.

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