Last weekend the Mr. had a day off so we decided it was time to butcher the chickens. My father in law came over to give us a hand since this was our first time and we didn't really know what we were doing! Nate had to catch them first. Then the heads where chopped off. Next they were dipped in boiling water to help the feathers come out easier. This is where I come in, I had to do most of the plucking. Then they were gutted and put in a pail of ice water to wait until all the chicken were done. They were bagged and put in the freezer to wait until I forget this day enough to be able to cook one!
At first I had a hard time with it, I was feeling a little queasy. In high school I was actually vegetarian for a while and I have a hard time eating anything that isn't cow or chicken. But I know that raising and eating your own free range chickens is WAY healthier then the store stuff I normally feed my family. And I know that the butchering was done in a humane way. So I took one for the team and plucked those feathers! While I was plucking I didn't really think about anything, It wasn't until after we were done and all cleaned up that I actually got sick, I don't know if it was guilt or buyers remorse or what but it took me a day or two to get over it :(
In the end we butchered 12 roosters. We kept one, and we still have our 13 hens that should all be laying by the end of September. So it wasn't a lot. It only took a couple hours. I think that we will try it again next year. Now that we know what we are in for, and maybe we will try a few more. Also I think we should find a chicken plucker, I think that would make my life a lot better!
Ha ha! Did you let the kids help??